Thursday, September 14, 2017

Yellow Jackets

If you're friends with me on facebook you've likely seen these pictures, if not, a warning: If you don't like wasps/stinging insects, this might not be the post for you.

Monday, September 11, 2017

Our Newest Addition

Eric hasn't been worn down enough to let me get a pony for the girls to ride, so I satisfied myself with a Halloween addition. We introduced Bony Pony to the herd on Saturday, much to our amusement.  Saffron is NOT a fan and has Powered Up into Protect the Herd mode like a good donkey. Gwyn has decided it's just another thing that Mom throws at her and she should ignore it.

We also hung skeleton person, who has seen better days. It seems more halloween decoration acquiring is in my future :D 

Saffron on high alert

We also took a trip over to our neighbor's house. She has brand new baby chicks!

Both girls were thrilled!

And on Sunday a friend came over and Gwyn got lots of loving.